Wednesday, March 29, 2006

PTAP Lecture 3 - Q24


The third lecture was boring and Kumar knew it. For the first 90 minutes, we discussed the first case. He combined part of the lecture with the case review. After that, we took a break and then came back and did the main lecture. There were a lot of concepts discussed but not much math. I had a hard time paying attention and I think a lot of other students felt the same way.

I watched the NBA score-board on Dallas was neck to neck with Detroit, but there was a technical foul called on the Mavs and from then it the Mavs lost it.

Anyway ... he ended the class 20 minutes early. He could tell that going on would prove fruitless.

Today I'll be working on the first project. We're meeting on Friday to discuss. This one is worth 15% of our grade, so it'll be a little more challenging than the first case.

Since I'm working on PTAP today, I'll probably read my Game Theory book tomorrow or Friday.

Quixote Update
Chapter 24

So we finally hear the story of the wild man ... his name is Cardenio. He walks over to a grassy spot and lies down. The others do the same. He tells them that he will recount his story but that no one will interrupt him or else he will not continue!

So his story is roughly this: he falls in love with a peasant girl (she is beautiful and intelligent). Her name is Luscinda. Well, he ends up asking her father for her hand in marriage. But he tells him to go talk to his (Cardenio) dad (I didn't quite understand this part). So he goes to his father and his father tells him that an opportunity of a lifetime has become available. He is to go to live at the home of a grand duke and be the companion of the duke's son. So Cardenio does this. The duke's son and Cardenio become very close friends. The duke's son falls in love with a woman and wants to marry her. If the duke's son were to tell Cardenio, Cardenio would tell his father. The duke's son forsees this and suggests to Cardenio that he needs to get his mind off this woman and that they should go to Cardenio's home under the pretense of buying horses. Cardenio, of course, goes along with this idea because it means he can see his Luscinda. In reality, the duke's son wanted to be as far away possible from the girl and not his father. From what I understand, he slept with the girl and as such he now has to marry her. So he was just trying to get out of that commitment.

Anyway ... they go to Cardenio's home and Cardenio tells the duke's son about Luscinda. The duke's son becomes very interested in her and wants to meet her. Somehow they both show up at her home and see her in her night gown. At this point the duke's son becomes madly in love with Luscinda and every waking moment he asks Cardenio about Luscinda. He wanted to read the letters between the two and learn everything about her. Cardenio becomes jealous. In one of the letters Luscinda asks Cardenio if she can borrow a book ... one that she is very fond of. The book is Amadis of Gaul ...

Upon hearing this title, Quixote interrupts the story! He goes off about how wonderful a woman Luscinda must be because she loves that book ... he goes on and on! The whole time I'm reading this, I'm just laughing my head off. I could almost see Cardenio steaming!

Cardenio says something about a knight that Quixote disagrees with. Quixote raises his voice at Cardenio and Cardenio becomes mad ... the wild man returns and pummels Quixote. Sancho to the rescue! But the wild man cleans Sancho's slate and then does the same to the goatherd. The wild man leaves the three bruised and broken. Sancho and the goatherd have a little fight and Quixote stops them.

Quixote asks the goatherd where to find Cardenio because he has to know the end of the story. The goatherd tells Quixote that he doesn't know where Cardenio would be ... somewhere in the mountains he supposes.

Chess Update

The 3/29/06 puzzle is 27. ? I think Ng6+ is the move. Black would play fxg6 followed by Qf4+ thus attacking the black queen with his rook and forking the king and rook at the same time.

The answer is Ng6+ ... and the rest is history.

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